Summer Sales: Real Life Selling Examples
by - Tyler Evertsen
“Summer sales is the single greatest method for achieving serious wealth in the shortest amount of time.”
No Fluff
There’s few things I despise more than feeling cheated. Whether it’s playing a competitive sport, getting less than what I feel is deserved, or not having the full truth disclosed, it feels very frustrating. Unfortunately, amongst the multiple summer sales companies, the truth can often be exaggerated and hurt an honest individual looking for an opportunity to make life-changing money selling door-to-door. So let me give it to you straight, no bias, no mixed intentions, just me giving you the facts on what you can expect to make with summer sales from real-life examples. As I share you the stories, I’ll comment on some of the reasons on why these individuals were successful and/or struggled.
Related Article: I Am A Summer Salesman
Zach - Junior in High School
Zach never considered himself to be the most outgoing of his friends. As a matter of fact, he really didn’t have a ton of friends and he was finishing up his junior year of high school. His brother had done summer sales for a few years and encouraged him to sacrifice his “senior summer” to go work with him and sell pest control during his summer break. After considering his options (mowing lawns and messing around during the summer, or hang out with his brother and sell pest control) he decided he would go out that summer. Only 17 years old, he had hardly any experience with sales, but he trusted his brother could help him so he put himself out there and committed to selling 100 accounts during the 2.5 months he was there.
After Zach’s first week of selling, he was still at 0 sales on the summer. Trying to stay positive he spent an entire day with his brother and was amazed how simple he made it seem to get a sale. One of the big problems he realized he struggled with was stiffening up and feeling tense anytime he started his pitch. Instead of casually talking, he felt rigid and was focused more on saying the right words instead of paying attention to the customer. Zach practiced being more himself and listening to the customer so he could respond appropriately. His next day, he sold 2 accounts. From that day on, Zach would consistently sell 1 or more each day while achieving his record high of 10 accounts in a single day! For him being younger than everyone else on the team didn’t mean he couldn’t perform at an elite level, and he proved he could.
Zach’s Performance
Accounts sold - 101
Income - $15,000
Won several incentives including Bose headphones
Raul - Brazilian with Accent
Raul was born and raised in Brazil. Having moved to the U.S. only 4 years prior, Raul had spent the majority of his past years working as a janitor, car cleaner, and lyft driver. The hours typically were late, long, and monotonous. While working his multiple jobs, Raul was approached to try out summer sales with his friend. Years before others had tried to recruit him but he felt his English wasn’t good enough, now he was ready for change and committed to selling that summer. He still had an accent, didn’t know the pest control pitch, was quitting his jobs, and would need to provide for his wife and 1 year old son moving out that summer to be with him. Where one person would see this as extremely risky, Raul saw this as a huge opportunity to change his family’s life and committed to making the summer amazing!
On the long drive out, Jesse practiced his pitch and went over overcoming objections. When he arrived he felt like he was ready to soar. However, his first day selling it was freezing cold, rainy, and he went home with nothing. The next day was more of the same, and he came home with no sales. Where most people would start to wonder whether or not this was worth it, Raul NEEDED to make this work, so he buckled down and practiced the pitch relentlessly that night and next day. The next day, Raul made his FIRST sale! That was all it took. Raul went on to be the top rookie in his office and 5th overall rookie in the company, surpassing his original goal of 250 sales. Raul’s greatest strength was his fierce competitiveness. He constantly found people who pushed him, and would stay fired up to beat them each day. Needless to say, he went on crushing it throughout the summer, hitting his personal best of 10 accounts in 1 day. If you were to ask Raul his impressions of summer sales he would say, “It’s changed my life.” He is more confident, wealthy, excited for his future than he ever has been before. He would say, “If I can do it, you can too.”
Raul’s Performance
Accounts sold - 330
Income - $70,000
Was #1 rookie in the office and #5 rookie in the company
Related Podcast: How to Be a Beast on the Doors
Tyler - Author’s Story
This is my personal experience over the past 5 years of selling. I was introduced to summer sales by a buddy of mine who told me he was planning on selling pest control that summer. He said that is was more than possible to make $10,000 in one summer! For me, the idea of making $10k in just one summer was absurd, so I bit. I met with several companies and found the right one for me. I signed with them and didn’t see them again until I arrived in Cincinnati, Ohio. I had no idea how to pitch, overcome objections, or sell anything for that matter. My first 3 days were honestly horrible… I felt like this was WAY harder than they had made it out to be, and I didn’t feel like I was built for this kind of work. With some persuasion from my Dad, I stayed out and it turned out to be the best career decision I’d ever made. For the next 5 years I ended up selling for 2 different companies and learned a lot about myself along the way.
Greatest lessons learned:
My first summer would have been ENTIRELY different had I taken time before going out that summer to practice and learn the pitch. Had I dedicated time early on, I would have arrived to the summer a leg up, and could have enjoyed my first month much more!
Be the best! Before leaving for the summer I’ve always set goals, but was never dead-set on hitting them before leaving. Having surrounded myself around top-performers I have learned they all have one thing in common… They are fully committed to being the best! This last year I was able to watch a guy in my office sell 1,000 accounts. As I watched him during the summer, I learned a very critical truth. His pitch wasn’t 500 accounts better than mine, but he was dead-set on becoming the best! That motivated him more than anything. Week after week, he would consistently make the top 10 salesman of the week, usually within the top 3. That was my weakness, I wasn’t motivated by becoming the best, and because of that I was ok with being #2. So don’t be like me, if you want to be successful at this job, determine now you will be the best!
Find your routine. Every successful salesman I know is religious about their daily routines. They usually are up by a certain time each day, do some sort of exercise, and are practicing their pitch to be better daily. What’s ironic is these are the people you would think need the least amount of practice, but they are always the ones who consistently outwork everyone else. So find a routine that works for you and stick to it during the summer months. A few items I would suggest to your routine (wake up early enough to prepare for the day, workout/exercise, meditate, self-improvement exercises, and review the pitch and things you’re struggling with.")
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By doing these things you will be able to learn from my mistakes and be prepared for making the most this summer. Summer sales truly is one of the greatest opportunities for individuals to make a ridiculous amount of money in a short amount of time. By preparing now, you will be become a top performer and make the most form this life changing experience.
Tyler’s Experience
- Accounts sold
Worst Summer - 128
Best Summer - 431
- Income
Worst Summer - $15,000
Best Summer - $143,000
- Published book on Door-to-Door Sales & started his own Pest Control Company EcoVibe
If you are interested in selling with me, contact me through my website and I’ll be happy to schedule a time to chat with you about opportunities with my company.
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